ISLAMABAD: President spokesman Farhatullah Babar, rubbishing the reports of disciplinary action being taken against former foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi in connection with his statement regarding American double murder suspect Raymond Davis, has also termed Fauzia Wahab’s statement on the issue as her ‘personal opinion’, Geo News reported.
He said Fauzia Wahab’s statement on Raymond Davis was her personal opinion instead of government or PPP’s party policy.
President spokesman Babar said PPP’s position on Raymond Davis issue is clear and lucid, urging leaders not to give statements on the status of Raymond Davis because his case is in court. “Making statements on Raymond Davis status is inappropriate as the court is hearing the case,” he clarified.
He said that Fauzia Wahab had herself clarified that her statement pertaining to Raymond Davis was her personal opinion not PPP’s or government policy.
Undue pressure by US senator John Kerry, chairman of senate commitee for foreign affairs and an ex-president candidate, has convinced Pakistan government officials and politicians to provide forged diplomatic immunity documents to the courts in the country. American politicians don’t want Raymond Allen David to face the music for his crimes in Pakistan. They want Davis to evade justice because the court trial in Pakistan would open Pandora’s Box and set a precedent for future trials. Davis does not have diplomatic immunity. The trial would expose other American misdeeds in Pakistan and elsewhere. Pakistan courts have the right to rule on the crminal case without any fear or favour, blackmails, threats, economic sanctions and political pressures. The courts would become laughing stock if in this case they cave in. Davis may be released after his conviction only when American politicians close down all covert operations in Pakistan, stop drone attacks, write off all debts, etc. After his trial and conviction, Pakistan must expel all American members of Delta Force from the country and try their Organge Force mercenaries; seal Afghan-Pak border; and stop the American-NATO terror supply line between Pakistan and Afghanistan… Would that help stop false flags, and bring down or undo the PNAC’s American empire?